
Own Your Own Community And Monetize Them

Get paid for your assistance. Make your community of expertise in a particular topic.


Build your community by creating a channel

Build your community on FeeMe by creating a dedicated channel for your followers. Engage with them by sharing knowledge, hosting live broadcasts, setting bounties, asking questions, and more. You can also monetize your channel by setting a subscription fee, enabling you to earn from it.

Coming Soon!
Bounty & Question

Set Bounties to pay for the best answer

You have the option to set a bounty to reward the best answers on a specific topic, incentivizing participants to share their knowledge and insights. Once you pose a question, you can engage with respondents by swiping left or right to provide feedback, helping to refine the quality of responses.

Additionally, paid answers can be graded based on their relevance and usefulness, ensuring that the most valuable contributions stand out.


Direct Conversations via Messaging

As a user, you have the flexibility to set your price per message for one-on-one message communication. This allows you to monetize your expertise effectively. Interested individuals can prepay for your paid messages, allowing them to engage in meaningful conversations with you on specific topics of interest.

This feature not only empowers you to earn from your knowledge but also fosters a direct connection with those seeking your insights.


Connect over audio/video call

  • FeeMe facilitates conversations through audio or video calls, enabling you to connect with others in a more personal manner. As a user, you have the flexibility to set your per-minute call price, ensuring that your time is valued.

  • When someone wishes to connect with you via audio or video call, they must prepay the calling price before the connection is established.

  • This system not only helps you monetize your expertise but also ensures that you engage with individuals who are genuinely interested in your insights.
